The Entire History of You

The series starts with a lawyer's job interview, in the first scene the main character is shown from the side of the glass on the table. The reflection metaphor indicates that the character is in a dilemma. He is being asked to look into retrospective family cases. In law, this is used in the sense of covering the past. so the series tells us the subject from the very beginning.

What happened to the man is due to what will happen to him and his wife. The problem of who belongs to the child in the family, which is shown 1 or 2 times during the series, forms the skeleton of the series.This is called the irony of circumstance (foreshadowing) . The events he faces in his business life come up against him in his own life.

Thanks to the chip placed behind the ears, it is processed so that people can see their history again on the screen or in front of their own eyes. Something like GBT. So if you're going to be accepted by Jul, your past has to be clean. You don't have a chance to lie, unwanted memories can be erased, but it means that the past is being manipulated because it creates a gap in the record.

The moments in the past are one time, there is no repetition, but this chip that people use in this series takes them back to the past and interprets their memories. Our man who watches the interview moment again listens to their sentences again and realizes how insincere they are. In THESE same religious teachings, there are souls of the hereafter, and after people die, the evil they have done in the other world is revealed, their sins are shown and their account is asked.Our man suspected that his wife was close to a friend. Is the truth in the moment, or is it in the past, acab, we humans are drowning in thoughts of the past because we can't catch the truth in the moment.Later, someone without a chip comes to the house parties, the person named Helen says that she has used it before and then relaxes. Do you really think a person relaxes when he gets rid of his past ?

At the party, a woman named Canon, who is one of the developers of this chip, says that most of our memory is filled with unnecessary things. You can upload fake memories to a person's brain by asking questions in therapy. You can leave people somewhere they've never been before, worrying about someone who hasn't been before. These explanations actually reveal the risk in people's perception of the past as real. So the past of your real chest may be a fabrication. Questioning the past, they do nothing but read it over and over and try to make sense of it. Almost no one in the show can live their moment. In the sequel, the man reveals his wife's secret affair. In doing so, he uses all his professional experience. He even tells his wife that you're a bitch sometimes. His wife rewinds the same word and makes our man listen to it again, but sometimes he ignores the word when he listens to it. He says you can't make out the word bzaen. Here, truth is such a delicate thing that sometimes it depends on a single word. Sometimes to the mimic movement, sometimes to the intonation.

It is not clear what our man will do when he finds out that his wife is no longer faithful to him. The bathroom scene is like an interrogation. His double image in front of the mirror is a great visual symbol that shows the dilemma he is living in himself. Because in movies, the mirror is used to show that the character has a double personality or is in a dilemma. The character who is looking at the mirror comes face to face with his ego, of course, this interpretation is one of the meanings of the mirror image. The guy will go and apologize right after this scene. Mirrors add depth to the characters.

When our communication distance between people is violated, there is definitely Deconfliction between people. We can also tell this from the lip readings in the section.Out of ambition, he goes to the house of the man whose wife cheated on him and threatens him and tells him to erase his wife's past. some time after watching the man who erased his past, the scene is skipped and our hero finds himself in a car accident. Then our guy uses the chip to find out what happened. He regrets the threat he made, and this is the scene where he gets rid of the fiction of the past, reaches his own reality, and goes in search of identity. He's probably wondering if he's the father of her child.

Our character soon realizes that there is a lie in the fake family he is in. He will understand this fact from a small detail that he sees at the moment of threat. Exactly 18 months ago, you were his wife, and when he found out that this man was sleeping in their bed, there is a high probability that this man is the father of the child. The truth is discovered thanks to a picture on the wall, that is, a work of art. In a sense, he is like a guide who leads a person thanks to an art that shows his reality in all the lies that people live.

Our man who forcibly looks at the recording sees that the man he was cheated on with did not use a condom, so he realizes that the child is from him. There is a family, but Liam is no longer a member of this family. The series also shows the rottenness of technology in domestic and extramarital personal relationships. Then Liam rips the chip out of his neck and throws it away. This tool is not a tool that records the past, it is a tool that makes you forget the present.Technological developments are always considered forward-looking, but this chip confines a person to the past. Are we becoming slaves of the past when we want to be the god of the present?

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